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Wellness Coaching helps you to conveniently adjust lifestyle factors which sometimes affect our habits.
Habits are the greatest subconcious influence on our bodies and they are embedded in our subconcious mind, operating as silent comands to the conscious mind. These silent commands have very concrete but subtle effects.
As a steady streamflow of water wears away the rock over which it flows, one's habits can wear away the natural wellness of the body if not corrected .
Everyone Needs Help at Some Point in Their Life
If you’re stuck and don’t know what to do, reach out for help because sometimes you’re not in that mindset to help yourself. Asking for help from someone doesn’t mean that you’re weak. It doesn’t mean that you’re worse off than anyone else. It just means that you need help. Ask your Health and Wellness Coach...ask BACK2NEW WELLNESS!
Albert Einstein the great Scientist said:
We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.
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